Do you have floor to ceiling windows in your home? Tall windows? Wide windows? If the answer to any of these is “yes,” then you may know the beauty of landscape views and flowing natural light. But, that same light can have you frustrated and annoyed at times. If you’ve been considering covering large windows in your home, we’ve got 5 questions for you to ask yourself…
Are You Loving or Loathing the Light?
Natural light entering your home is a welcome sight. Improved moods, productivity and energy often result. But, too much light, and the opposite occurs. Consider what times of day are best for light–or the worst. Think about light direction entering–what you’d like to savor, or what you’d like to cover. Not only is your home unique in how the light affects the space, but each room has a variety of needs and experiences.

How’s the View?
Beyond the windows…what does the view look like? Some windows overlook a stunning horizon, or beautiful landscape views. But, others? Neighborhood views might not be as appealing. When you’re covering large windows, this is something to consider.
How much of the view would you like to enjoy on a regular basis–and how much would you like to cover up? Your answers will help customize the atmosphere of your home with the correct window treatment features.
Do You Need Privacy?
Privacy often comes to mind when thinking about the windows of bedrooms and bathrooms. And, while it’s important in those spaces, they’re not alone. Your living room, family room and entryway rooms can boast large windows that let in views when it’s not your intention. Depending on the placement of the neighbors outside, the view into these common areas–especially when the sun starts to set and lights turn on–can make you uncomfortable. Take back the privacy of your home with coverings that let you block the view in when you want.

Will You Adjust?
This is not the deep, soul-searching question of therapy sessions. It’s simple: Do you want to be able to adjust your coverings, or are you more interested in leaving them in place? When covering large windows, adjustment can play a huge role in the type of window treatments you select.

Some coverings allow light + views, while also adding privacy, making them a good “set & forget” solution. Others do better to open fully when not needed, closing when the sun gets too bright. One of the most popular ways to adjust shades on large windows is with automation. With today’s innovations, you can tap a button to adjust them, or even use voice commands and scheduled adjustments to get the most out of your home.
Do You Need Energy Efficiency?
Energy efficiency is a big topic here is the Minneapolis-St Paul area. We see a dramatic range in temperatures. If you’re looking for year-round comfort, adding energy efficiency to your windows will be a game-changer. The drafts of winter can stop at the window, keeping your home cozy. The exhausting heat of summer is blocked with insulating shades and shutters that keep intense direct light outside. And, most importantly, your family’s comfort will be protected.
It’s Time to Start Covering Large Windows in Your Home.
If you’ve been considering it, it’s time. We can help you achieve the right amount of light control, energy efficiency, preserved views, increased privacy and custom comfort. Ideas and advice for style and solutions are just a phone call away! Get in touch with our team at Aero Drapery & Blind for your FREE consultation.